
ProducT Designer

Hi, this is Yoojung :) Some people call me "YJ"
I’m a product designer from Seoul currently based in NYC.
I like making difficult things easy with design.


• Native App

• Responsive Web

• Digital Media

• XR


• UX/UI Design

• Research & Analysis

• Interaction Design

• Prototyping

• Design System


• California Institute of the Arts

• New York University

Click any card below to check out my previous works/case studies (password protected). Or, toggle over to 'My Works' section to see more.

Outside of being a designer, I’m an ex-pastry chef who likes to lift weights, read comic books, watch anime & horror game playthroughs.

photo of Yoojung

ask me about:

• Why did I get Rabbit R1
• What am I playing on Analogue Pocket
• My original madeleine recipes

*Currently not accepting submissions.

I opened this pandora's box once and gotten so much spam in my inbox (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ . If you are a human and want to get in touch, please just decipher the email address you see here.

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